Tuesday 4 October 2016

Surgical Strikes , Peace and the Layman

The title may find really interesting. How are strikes related to peace? Questions of such sort have been grooving around many minds in the country. Infact what are actually surgical strikes? Someone asked. Wikipedia tells a surgical strike is a military attack which results in, was intended to result in, or is claimed to have resulted in only damage to the intended legitimate military target, and no or minimal collateral damage to surrounding structures, vehicles, buildings, or the general public infrastructure and utilities.
It is a huge momentum shift as far as Indo-Pak relations are concerned. Even after the Pathankot attack, India had opted for peace talks over any military response. But the Uri attacks have just rang the bell of almost every Indians. The Jaish-e-Mohammad thanseer have indulged in the cowardest of attacks, attacking our sleeping and unarmed brothers in the army base. 19 of them martyred and many injured. Thus the Indian commandos had conducted a very successful surgical operation in PoK crossing the LoC. More than 35-40 terrorists killed and not even single commando injured. They had also accomplished to destroy 8-10 terrorists launch pads. The surgical strike is the greatest accomplishments by the Indian Army in its three and a half decade deliberation with Pakistan. As the Huffington Post put it 'The surgical strike is a giant leap from our spineless past'. Even the greatest of political rivals have come together to praise the government and the army. As this news went viral from platoons to batallions to companies the army men were the most happiest men in the world. It was just like electricity touching their souls. It was the most befitting response in retaliation to the militants. It was the first time the lives of our soldiers were given so much importance.
I had told about this incident to a friend and her first response was really interesting. People are simply fighting against each other, she said. Let me give a simple analogy. There is a robber who robs your house almost on a daily basis, despite complaining to the police plenty of times nothing much has been done to ensure peace in your house. You even contact the highest possible authorities and nothing changes. What would you have done in such a situation is just what India did, but the only difference is that unlike robbery the enemy claimed lives. After the incident some Pak diplomats have said what have Modi done to previously non violent India. Let me very clear it is not India who have faltered in the peace treaty or it is not India who have tried to keep peace. We have had plenty of peace talks and deliberations in the past but nothing have pulled Pakistan back from the state sponsored terrorism. Even after diplomatic isolations in the SAARC and UNGA there had been ceasefire in LoC. But Modi abiding by his speech in Kozhikode, Kerala had shown how important the lives of our jawans were by ordering the surgical strikes.
All political parties had turned matured suddenly , the days after the sutgical strikes saw one of the greatest days of national interest going above vote bank politics. But just when everything was going on the right note some of them have come out asking the govt of India to give proof inorder to disprove the false propoganda being spread by Pakistan. Now that is something really thought provoking. You can have two sides of the story, you can consider Kejriwal and company as being very lovin of the nation and really wanting to disprove Pak propoganda by giving them proofs. Or the other side Kejriwal doubting the army , infact he too like Pak people believe there has been no surgical strikes. Definitely, politicians have the right to ask for proof but the time he asked it for is wrong. Politicians unlike other people have what is called mass mobility. They have the ability to influence the masses, you cant expect the govt of India to release footages of our commandos killing terrorists, even America have still not released footages of Operation Black tornado for the assasination of Osama Bin Laden. Definitely you can have other material evidences but it would take time to reach public as they may be going through examinations for more detailed operations. There had been surgical strikes in the past as well but no one asked for proofs. Simply because there was immense political pressure on the govt of India to take action against Pak, once they did it the DGMO had gone with the information publicly to settle down all rumours. Even lieutenant general of Pak army Asim Saleem Bajwa had said that India might have casualties during the Surgical strikes. So even he agrees that surgical strikes took place even though they dont agree to the UN.
To all the people reasing this I would like to appeal ,from Kanyakumari to Kargil there are soldiers fighting fronts. In borders ?as we speak soldiers are fighting the front of a very determined enemy. How conflicting would be his mind if he hears this chaos going in the country. He had fought a battle risking everything for his countrymen and still they dont believe him. Let me make it very clear, Soldiers don't go to fight because they hate their enemy in the front but because they love their countrymen in the back.
Disclaimer: The facts given in the blog above are accurate and to the best of the author's knowledge. The views given here are the views of the author alone and is totally under his discretion.