Thursday 4 August 2016

The Great Pak Insult ---- A verbal retaliation

Yesterday something happened that has never happened in the history of  bilateral or multilateral talks between India and Pakistan. Our honourable Home Minister Rajnath Singh's address at the SAARC summit at Islamabad was snubbed from the media! And remember it was his and only his address that was blacked out. Never ever in the history of multilateral summits in the world has this happened, the greatest of insults.
The question is clear why on earth is Pakistan afraid of an address being given by one of our ministers there in Islamabad? Nawaz Sharif has been giving  critical speeches on the Kashmir issue but still we never doctored them , we never censored them , that's not gentleman's piece of cake. Surely enough Pakistan is afraid of getting exposed, they want the world just to here one side of the story. They even did not allow PTI and ANI ,which are supposed to represent the voice of India to cover the address (some channels critical on Pakistan were not even given visa to report the SAARC summit). I would say this behaviour from our counterparts as being CHILDISH. And remember his was a very powerful address meant to point directly at Pakistan. This act from our neighbour not in anyway can be justified.
Amidst the mishaps in Kashmir we were ready for peace talks and we had trusted on your hospitality. You had demolished our trust. And not over, when Rajnath Singh arrived on Islamabad there was rallies led by UN designated terrorists Hafiz Sayed and his co terrorists from the ISI headquarters. See clearly Pakistan even compromised on security to Rajnath or else would have terrorists be seen walking down streets at the time of his arrival. It's as if they had some personal grudge on Rajnath Singh. We send him there representing India and any insults to him is the same as insulting the country as well as it's citizens.
Remember the hospitality given by India to Pak citizens. Remember the India vs Pakistan cricket match in the T20 world cup at the Eden Gardens, Kolkata how greatly were the team members welcomed. Even Shahid Afridi mentioned that they had always got greater concern and respect from India than their own country. To which there was attack against him. Also remember when a Virat Kohli fan hoisted the Indian flag at his house he was arrested. Many of us fail to realise the ironical double game by Pakistan. They speak of freedom of expression to the people at Kashmir and censor our HM's speech. You give the right for terrorists to speak openly in public and you censor our HM's speech. How disgraceful! Pakistan surely has a lot to hide.
Whenever we question their acts. They cover up with the Kashmir issue. They say because we cause atrocities in Kashmir and they caution us from calling it terrorism and they call it a genuine freedom struggle. Now let me ask them how can you call it a genuine freedom struggle when people from other religions (other than Islam) have been forced to move out from the Kashmir valley. A lot of the true inheritors of Kashmir no longer inhabit the place. Also 1/3rd of Kashmir have been illegally been occupied by Pakistan. On the rest , Indian government have given them 3 international airports, many multi specialty hospitals and plenty of schools. And what have Pak done on their 1/3rds a most required thing for the Kashmiri survival a headquarters of the LeT! Our political map might be encroached but Kashmir is still ours. You export terrorists like Burhan Wani and Hafiz Sayed to our soil brainwash our youth, threaten them and make them fight for separation of Kashmir from India. You supply them arms and ammunition. Let me ask you there was a photograph of Burhan Wani holding an AK-47 ,is there an AK-47 manufacturing factory in Kashmir? These are sent to India from the black markets in Kashmir funded by the ISI's covert operations wing. And when the Indian army retaliates you come on TV proclaim to be angels of peace and enact your age old drama of empathising for people who died in the attacks. You turn them into martyrs. You say  Nawaz Sharif is a Kashmiri simply because he was born in a Kashmiri caste (he was actually born in Pakistan's part of Punjab) and try to make him the Gandhi for Kashmir liberation. And blabber that we have forgotten Gandhiji's ways of non violence. Now let me ask was it some kind of a dharna actually happening at Kashmir? No, not at all.
In the SAARC summit too Pak was isolated, counterparts were critical on Dhaka and Kabul attacks. Even the USA (who used to have a healthy relationship with Pakistan) has denied F16 planes to Pakistan due to the Hakkani issue. Even during the Kashmir riots I had thought that some peace talks with Pakistan would revert the issue. We Indians had great respect for Pakistan but you yourselves had made us on the other side. With the Modi government assuming office there has 4 bilateral talks with them. But with yesterday's issue 4 not 40000 talks will not change your attitude towards India and Kashmir.
At the moment Pakistan is violating as much as international laws as possible. They have violated article 1 and Chapter XIV of the UN charter by allowing a UN designated terrorist like Hafiz Sayed to walk the streets of Pakistan and mobilise mass movement. And also leaving in bail Lakhvi the kingpin of 26/11. They have also violated the point 4 of the Commonwealth Harare declaration 1991 for the same reasons. Therefore these actions by Pakistan cannot be justified in any manner no matter what.
Tailpiece: Heard some of the Kashmirs speaking ill of the Indian Army. Realise you have been brainwashed and this type of stuff doesn't help with us INDIANS.
DISCLAIMER: The facts given here are accurate and to the best of the author's knowledge which may be verified with any genuine defence analyst. The views given here are solely of the author and is totally under his discretion